Saturday, 26 July 2014

Untitled 1
Grade 5 French Immersion Supply List
September 2014
All supplies provided are for student’s personal use only. 
Please ensure that they are labelled.
2 good quality dictionaries:  1 Francais/Anglais HARRAP’S PETIT DICTIONNAIRE  OR COLLINS ROBERT PAPERBACK (if possible)
1 package of loose-leaf (500 sheets total)
2 high quality pocket folders (one will be used as a notice folder and needs to last the year)
1 coil notebook 6½” by 9” (used for a math dictionary)
1 4-pack of 32 page scribblers - No Coils Please!
4 1” hard cover binders (please ensure these are 1” binders, no larger, no catch all binders)
4 packages of dividers for binders
1 package of loose-leaf reinforcers
1 duo tang for Music
1 duo tang for French
1 1” binder if your child is in Band
Please open the packaging on the following items at home and label everything with your child’s name written in permanent marker or using labels.  This will save us a lot of time on the first day of school. Place these things in a large zip baggie labeled with your child’s name.
5 packages HB pencils (sharpened) (more may be required later in the year)
1 package of at least 8 markers
1 small package of multicolored permanent markers
1 package of 24 colored pencils (sharpened)
1 package of 24 crayons
2 fine tip black markers (for example Sharpies)
2 highlighter markers (2 colors preferably)
4 white erasers
4 large glue sticks
1 pair good quality scissors
1 basic calculator
1 plastic 180 degree standard protractor (please do not buy a full math set)
1 clear 30cm ruler
1 pack of inexpensive playing cards (for math)
1 jump drive/memory stick – this will be kept by students but will need to come to school daily
$6 for a school agenda
$2 for a Composition Notebook - For Writer’s Notebooks
$5 for a recorder – Music (if student does not have one) 
Please make cheque payable to Seaside Elementary School
GYM – Indoor Running Shoes (non-marking soles) to be left in school
*** Please note that large hold-all binders are NOT required and do not fit in student desks.
*** It is essential that students come to school on the FIRST DAY with their supplies as this is when we spend time organizing the supplies.
Donations of Kleenex are appreciated but not required.